What is WeAura Quantum Pendant ?
The fact that the WeAura Quantum Pendant contains deep earth minerals found in volcanic lava explains why it works. That’s why volcanic lava is thought to have a variety of health benefits. Electrons are abundant in these deep earth minerals. These electrons contain a negative charge, which is beneficial since it helps to ground and energize us. Now, before I continue, I’d like to ask you a question. Have you heard of the term “earthing”? It’s the act of walking barefoot on the ground (soil, sand, etc.). Many people claim that it has benefited their health. The reason this works is that the ground emits electrons at all times, but we must touch it with our bare skin to receive them.
The WeAura Quantum Pendant can:
- Improve mood and mental outlook (as proven in both negative ion studies and customer feedback)
- Reduce symptoms of depression for some people
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Improve resistance to EMF emitting devices
- Boost immunity by reducing red blood cell clumping
- Promote anti-microbial activity
You’re Most Likely Getting (Bad) Positive Ions
If you wear shoes all day, you will receive ZERO (that’s ZERO) negative electrons from the earth! What exactly does that imply? Positive ions, or “bad” electrons, are emitted into our bodies by man-made electrical devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions, powerlines, refrigerators, and stoves, among other things. I’m not going to go on because you already know where I’m heading with this. You are being blasted with abnormal, unhealthy electrons while being deprived of beneficial electrons. This continues every day until you are able to ground yourself. To counteract the detrimental effects of these electrons, you must ground yourself DAILY and ideally REPEATEDLY.
So, what’s the answer?
The WeAura Quantum Pendant, of course!
What is the reason for this?
Because it emits negative ions 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will never cease. Electrons from the soil are directly injected into your body. Those who can benefit from the WeAura Quantum Pendant include those who:
Is constantly exposed to electrical devices; wears shoes outside all day;
Lives in a city and does not come into contact with the natural world on a regular basis.